Highlights from CQC, NICE, Department of Health, NHS England, HSJ, Monitor/NHS Improvement
CQC general update
CQC have started to use a prototype report looking at how it will assess the quality of care in a local area to encourage improvement.
The CQC have also come up with a Five year strategy – ‘Shaping the future’ the CQC have set out an ambitious vision for a more targeted, responsive and collaborative approach to regulation, so more people get higher Quality Care.
This means services are changing how they organise and deliver care to meet increasing needs and the CQC is evolving to reflect this.
The new strategy will help encourage services to innovate and collaborate to drive improvement, and ensure people receive Good, Safe Care.
These are split into 4 priorities over the next 5 years:-
- Encourage improvement, Innovation and sustainability in care – by working with others to support improvement adapt their approaches as new care models develop, and publish new ratings of NHS trust and foundation trust use of resources.
- Deliver an intelligence driven approach to regulation – The CQC will use information from the public and providers more effectively to target resources. Where the risk to the quality of care is greatest and to check where quality is improving and introduced more proportionate approach to registration.
- Promote a single shared view of Quality – We will work with others to agree a consistent approach to defining and measuring quality, collecting information from providers and delivering a single vision of high Quality Care.
- Improve our efficiency and effectiveness – We will more efficiently, achieving savings each year, improving how we work with public and providers.
CQC will have achieved this when-
- People trust and use there expert, independent judgements about Quality of Care.
- People will have the confidence, we will identify good and poor care, and will take action where necessary, so rights are protected.
- Organisations that deliver Care, will improve Quality as a result of our Regulations.
- Organisations are encouraged to use resources as effectively as possible to deliver High Quality Care.
Visit http://www.cqc.org.uk/
Read our CQC tips we’ve learnt from recent events
NICE general update
2 NICE Quality Standards updates this month
9 NICE Guidance Updates this month
NICE Quality Standards – Service Improvement Template
This is a new service from NICE which will help providers to make an initial assessment of their service compared with a selection of Quality Statements. It includes-
- Assessing Current Practice.
- Recording Action Plans.
- Monitoring Quality Improvements.
Find out about Allocate’s NICE assurance tool NICEAssure
Department of Health general update
CAS – we have had 28 CAS Alerts
Hygiene Code – No new code has been realised yet, but Allocate will keep an eye out.
General news:
Monthly Hospital Activity Data – relating to elective and non-elective inpatient administration and Outpatient referral, and attendance of first consultant outpatient appointments – feed by CCG’s.
Ambulance Quality Indicators – 11 ambulance services in England, which measures performance of Category A response times against the handbook to the NHS Constitutions, also cases resolved on the phone/scene and subsequent re –contacts.
NHS Improvement general update
Monitor is now part of the NHS improvement – they are responsible for overseeing foundation trust and NHS trusts, as well as independent providers that provide NHS funded care.
They offer support to providers who need to give patients consistently safe, high quality, compassionate care within local health systems that are financially sustainable, by holding providers to account and, where necessary, intervening they help the NHS to meet short-term challenges and secure its future.
NHS England general update
NHS England leads the NHS in England, they want everyone to have greater control of their health and wellbeing, and be supported to live longer and healthier.
10 hospitals have rolled out a new initiative, NHS diabetes prevention programme from type 2 diabetes.
CCG’s have been urged to sort out the backlog of eye health care, for the benefits of patients – Eye health leaders warned that inaction could have far-reaching social and economic consequences.
Working together – how health, social care and Fire and Rescue services can increase their reach scale and impact through joint working.

Customer Success Associate at Allocate Software