With new NICE guidelines and quality standards continually evolving, making sure your organisation is compliant can be a tricky task. NICEAssure is a tool to help you manage the entire process. With it you can keep track of any ongoing changes, distribute guidelines to relevant departments, monitor compliance, and build a store of evidence.
Track NICE compliance across your organisation with NICEAssure.
Track NICE compliance across your organisation with

Organisation wide
Distribute guidelines where they need to be and check each department’s progress, encouraging accountability throughout your organisation.

Demonstrate compliance
Generate reports and dashboards that can be presented to the board, commissioners and other stakeholders, evidencing adherence

Stay up to date
Get updates to NICE guidelines and quality standards as they are released and ensuring key people stay informed of any new information
Having NICEAssure means that everything is visible and accessible to all involved, monitoring implementation is so much easier. The link into the NICE website supports direct access to their resources and the reporting function of NICEAssure means that we can easily see where we are at and where to direct our efforts – no more spreadsheets!
Lisa Flack
Compliance & Clinical Effectiveness Manager, The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust

Discover HealthAssure Optima
Get NICEAssure as part of HealthAssure Optima, a powerful all-in-one package that also includes MyAssurance, CQCAssure, CASAssure. You’ll also get access to our free training and accreditation from the Allocate Academy and a Customer Success Analyst to ensure you get the most from your Allocate solutions.
Get in touch to find out more
How can NICEAssure be used to build evidence?
The software allows you to create a quality-assessed library of evidence and assurance, combining quantitative and qualitative data, that will allow you to demonstrate your organisation’s status against each NICE quality standard and guideline.
Will NICEAssure be suitable for my organisation?
NICEAssure can be adapted to your organisational structure and comes with an integrated tracker that allows easy distribution of guidance to the people that need it.
See our NICEAssure related resources
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