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NHS Blood & Transplant is one of the latest organisations to join the Allocate community to implement eJobPlan11 and plan their most critical clinical duties.

They are a Shared Heath Authority working across England with blood donation, blood products and components, stem cell donation and transplantation, cellular therapies and transfusion, in addition to providing UK-wide supply and support concerning transplantation, organ and tissue donation.

NHS Blood & Transplant collects, prepares and distributes blood and related products to the broader NHS and provides advice to trusts regarding transfusion and transplantation. Its staff lead on international clinical research in these areas, with key partnerships in place with Russell Group Universities and NHS teaching trusts across the UK’s major cities, and European plus global bodies, including the World Health Organisation, and has been leading on the COVID-19 research and trials about convalescent plasma.

The transition to eJobPlan11 from a paper-based process will help reduce administrative duties, provide the organisation with assurance around compliance, and help them plan their clinical activity more effectively. The solution enables clinicians and managers to capture capacity effectively and will assist with the formulation of a robust medical workforce plan as it develops its services.

We look forward to working closely with NHS Blood & Transplant in implementing eJobPlan11 and supporting their successes of medical workforce planning.

Brian Jones, Senior HR Business Partner for Medical Workforce at NHS Blood & Transplant, comments: “This transition from paper-based job plans will reduce the administration associated with job planning and will provide process consistency across the organisation. Having used electronic job plan at a number of NHS trusts over the past 15 years, I am impressed with Allocate’s development of eJobPlan11 and the new, improved user interface. We are two months into the programme and have already delivered a full set of draft job plans awaiting review. Clinical team and managers have provided positive feedback about the software. They are appreciative not only of the benefits it will bring to their job plan review but also the wider impact it will have in aligning our skilled medical resource to our service and the current demands on senior clinical time.”

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