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NHS Agency Staffing Savings Reach £170 Million

As the UK healthcare system continues to tackle enduring staffing shortages, sicknesses plus the aftermath of the pandemic which has seen the care backlog rise to 6.6 million, RLDatix has reached a total of £170 million in agency staffing savings for our community of NHS trusts, through our direct engagement solution.

247Time DirectEngage has delivered savings between 36 trusts over nine years, with the highest savings seen in Barts Health NHS Trust – a total of £15.8 million since 2014. A second Trust meanwhile, has seen the biggest saving in the last 12 months – a total of £2.25 million, with big strides in increasing the proportion of direct engagement bookings.

The average weekly saving of £650k between the trusts has been delivered through the centralisation and processing of their agency staff spend; providing greater visibility on agency usage, Frameworks and rate caps. It also allows agency workers to be paid directly rather than through an agency which helps towards more accurate timesheets and payments.

“The savings achieved by the trust have been tremendous. Since implementing the system in 2014, we have received a £15.8million saving for an investment of £780k. The reporting is clear and can be accessed at any time. 98%+ of our agency workers are processed via the system, which ensures we’re compliant with our rates of pay, keeping sight of the correct payments towards capped rates.” John Simon. Head of Temporary Staffing, Barts Health NHS Trust

With news that Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) must ‘cut spending on temporary staff in their area by at least 10% or £257 million, on 2021-2022 levels’, 247Time DirectEngage is an opportunity for organisations to take back control of their agency spend by getting back to basics and starting their journey towards a better temporary staffing balance.


Let’s get back to basics

The basics aren’t basic. They matter. And they definitely matter when it comes to reducing agency spend. That’s why we’ll be working to capture as many of the ‘basics’ as possible, to support the workforce with technology.

Join the Resource Hub to access our ‘Back to Basics’ resources that will help you rediscover some of the fundamental tips and tricks to make a big difference to your people, patients and organisation.

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